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电话: 025-18652908035
姓名: Ms Angela Wang
Nanjing Youxin Ice Pack *域名隐藏* .

  Nanjing Youxin Ice Pack Co., Ltd is a factory with self-selling network, and registered& authorized by national department, our main product includes: freezer pack, ice pack, bottle cooler(wine cooler), gel eye mask, sleep eye mask,instant cold pack, hot cold pack, hot pack(hand warmer) ,promotion gift and so on. We established a long-term cooperation relationship with many companies by our powerful, reasonable price and best service, and welcome you come and visit us!!

主要产品/业务: freezer pack, ice pack, bottle cooler(wine cooler), gel eye mask, sleep eye mask,instant cold pack, hot cold pack, hot pack(hand warmer)

Nanjing Youxin Ice Pack *域名隐藏* . / 江苏 / No.1, QingXing Road, GuLi Industrial Park, Jiangning District, N (211164) / 电话:025-18652908035

本页面所有信息由Nanjing Youxin Ice Pack *域名隐藏* .自行发布,内容合法性由发布者负责,交易请谨慎核实。

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